Sunday, January 24, 2010

ho hum.....

So I redesigned my bedroom after a particularly strong dose of HGTV viewing.  It came out all white.  It is SO not me.  But, my bedroom is a tiny, dark, nearly windowless, cave-like space that needs a lot of light colors to give it a bit of openness.  I think. 
I hung these fabulous curtains I bought at Pier 1 (don't bother looking, they have been discontinued!) to try and make it appear that the one tiny window that is 50% obscured by air conditioner is larger.
And last week, with inspiration from these perfectly pleated pillows on etsy and tons of help from this tutorial, I made a decorative pillow to try and complete the look.  I would definitely not use the words "perfectly pleated" to describe my pillow, but I'm learning, right?
My goal with the room has been to keep pretty much everything in it white or close to it, so that my end tables ($5 formerly hideous thrift store finds I painted an obnoxious shade of turquoise) can get away with existing in the space.  So, I wanted to make a pillow with visual interest from its texture, rather than it's color. 
This is the result. I'm still not sold on the whole room yet, probably becuase there are only two colors in it instead of my typical thirty-seven. But I'm thinking about letting it grow on me.


Riss said...

I do like how fresh and open it looks!!

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