Saturday, July 24, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 6

Number Six: The most beautiful salt and pepper shakers ever: ten bucks or so

I know.  You're as speechless as I am.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm not gonna lie.  It's ugly.  Most of the stuff posted by Etsy newbies, that is.  But after some long hard searching, I've unearthed the following beautiful items listed by Etsy sellers who have never had a sale.  So help them out and buy something!  You'll absolutely make their day.

Lady in Red Coat by KatyaTrischuk

This beautiful breakfast cart available at Color Wheel Antiques

Love this vintage hat from Jump Into the Rainbow

How cute is this tea set by Seven Feather's Tribe?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

you cannot stop me.

I am about to decorate the crap out of every single plate and bowl I can get my hands on.  So if I ever come to your house, you'd best lock yours up.

This ridiculously fabulous idea (created with a porcelain paint pen on plain white plates) is from the Style Files, found via Black.White.Yellow.