Friday, April 16, 2010


What are your go to, time wasting, non-blog websites that you MUST check daily?  Here are mine:

1. someone once told me.  My very first post was about this one.  Here's another photo of theirs I'm currently loving:

2. Found.  People find stuff, take pictures of it, and send it in to the website.  It's like seeing secret glimpses into the lives of strangers.  Here are two of my favorite recent finds.


3. Post Secret.  If you haven't seen this one, it's a definite must-read!  Updated every Sunday with more powerful secrets in visual form.  I can't get enough.  Here's my favorite from this week's collection:

What are your favorites?

Monday, April 12, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 7

Number Seven:  This Awesome 70's Colored Rainbow Plate, $1.99

This one called to me from across the housewares section at the ARC.

Monday, April 5, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 8

Number Eight: The Most Awesome Laundry Basket in the World: $2.99 (I think)

Come on, admit it. You've never even thought about a laundry basket being beautiful.  Until now. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

words of wisdom

If you love 90's hip-hop, you'll love this birthday card I made the other day.