Thursday, December 31, 2009

knitting victory

If you know me, you have probably been the reluctant recipient of one of my ill-fated scarf projects. Let me take this opportunity to apologize for that. OK, moving on.... I am happy to announce that my knitting skills have progressed to the point that I can now make things I'd actually want to wear! Here's a shot of my most recent accomplishment, which involved branching out into the world of cables- MUCH easier than I thought it would be. While I was buying the yarn from my favorite local yarn store, I got a great tip: instead of buying a cable needle (to make cables, you have to temporarily take a few stitches out of the mix, and a cable needle is designed specifically for this purpose) you can simply use the tapestry needle you have lying around (usually used to weave in ends when you've completed your piece). I got the pattern from this clever book, which had a ton of interesting projects. I love making things.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

a timely how to: make your own planner for free

OK. Even my most diehard crafty friend has evolved past me into the age of the blackberry. It's a sad state of affairs. But if there's anyone out there who, like me, is waiting impatiently until their cell phone account is due for a technology update, this one's for you. Make your own 2010 planner!

Step 1. Obtain a blank book. I have tons of these lying around the house, but I always see enchanting ones on etsy.

Step 2. Use your wit and ingenuity to create your own planner design.

Step 3. Repeat. Over and over. Like fifty-two times. I won't lie- it's one of the most repetitive projects ever. On the plus side, you get to make your planner have all the bells and whistles that make it just perfect for what YOU need. For example, I'm always forgetting birthdays and other important dates, so I included brightly colored stickers as a place to write these reminders in a way that I simply can't miss them. I also like a lot of extra writing room for notes to self. Take that Franklin Covey.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I'm starting off simple with a photo from one of my favorite websites, someone once told me. On the site, people send in photographic renderings of a memorable something someone once told them. It brought to mind an awesome quote I remember reading a few years ago:

"God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them".

Think on that.