Thursday, February 18, 2010

asked and answered

So, I'm a runner.  I haven't exactly been keeping track of how many races I have run, but my fridge is covered in race bibs and I have a closet full of race t-shirts.  Why would a semi-organized person keep all of these t-shirts, you ask? 
If she's the crafty type, she may be promising herself and others that she will some day find a creative and appealing way to make them all into a quilt.  But she may have been promising this for years. 
A few days ago, she may have stumbled upon the answer
Apparently, I'm not the only one trying to make cool stuff out of t-shirts.'s blog has a pretty darn cool t-shirt quilt:

And specific directions on how to do it.  I love a good tutorial, don't you?  What do you think?  Can I take stuff like this:

and turn it into something sort of like this?


Anonymous said...

I think you can....and you should!

Carrie said...

With that vote of confidence, I shall!

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