Friday, September 10, 2010

i am not as awesome as i could be (just for you di)

Glance over to the right at my "Project 365" slideshow. You know, my plan to take a photo every day of 2010? To gain insight about myself and the world around me? The plan I've completely abandoned?
That's the one.

This guy seriously puts me to shame.  He took a polaroid a day almost every day from 1979 until the day he died in 1997.  That's a total of 6,697 Polaroids.  Polaroids, people.  If you've got a few minutes, check them out here, and read the summary where I first learned about it on mental floss.   You can watch his entire life unfold in a visual format. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 5

Number Five: My favorite clock: $10

Someday I'm going to design an entire room around this clock.  So modern/retro/rainbow-like.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

i knew it could be done!

Making a living as a doodler, that is.  But I never dared to dream it could be this big.  Give Heike Weber a sharpie and a ginormous room and she will go to town!


I have like fifty-seven sharpies.  I could definitely do this.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 6

Number Six: The most beautiful salt and pepper shakers ever: ten bucks or so

I know.  You're as speechless as I am.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm not gonna lie.  It's ugly.  Most of the stuff posted by Etsy newbies, that is.  But after some long hard searching, I've unearthed the following beautiful items listed by Etsy sellers who have never had a sale.  So help them out and buy something!  You'll absolutely make their day.

Lady in Red Coat by KatyaTrischuk

This beautiful breakfast cart available at Color Wheel Antiques

Love this vintage hat from Jump Into the Rainbow

How cute is this tea set by Seven Feather's Tribe?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

you cannot stop me.

I am about to decorate the crap out of every single plate and bowl I can get my hands on.  So if I ever come to your house, you'd best lock yours up.

This ridiculously fabulous idea (created with a porcelain paint pen on plain white plates) is from the Style Files, found via Black.White.Yellow.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

catalog living

I love me some sarcastic blog humor.  I read regretsy more than I probably should.  But this- this is guilt free, appropriate sarcastic blog humor.  It's a brand new blog called Catalog Living, where that hilarous woman from the Sonic commercials makes fun of catalog photos.  Check this piece out:

Sweetheart, the Turners will be here any minute now! Did you put the plate of figs under the table?

or this one:

Hon, where’s my string of old-timey buoys? Oh wait, I found them. Hey, lobsters and limes for dinner AGAIN???

She cracks me up.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sunday, June 13, 2010

deadly long legs...

...would have been my roller derby name.  Sadly, it is already taken by one of the kick-ass ladies of the Mile High Club.  Check these chicks out.  They are the definiton of hard core.

As you may have ascertained, I went to the roller derby on Saturday. I saw stuff like this:

but forgot my camera, of course.  This photo of the Mile High Club vs. the Rat City All Stars is courtesy of Jules Doyle. 
As anyone who knows me would have predicted, I promptly decided to become a roller derby girl.  Did it matter that I am a terrible roller skater?  Very little.  That I despise playing any sport that requires a helmet?  Even less.  I would be the fastest, most tricky jammer the Denver Roller Dolls have ever seeen.  You'll notice I was even peppering my inner monologue with derby lingo. It was in the bag. Until.
An incident in the parking lot.  In which I was mildly injured while PRETENDING to be a roller doll. In a wheel-free pair of tennis shoes. 
So yeah.  Deadly long legs WOULD have been my roller derby name......

Friday, June 11, 2010


Excellent advice.  Now... how to carry it out?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

pure randomness

Here are a couple of project 365 photos from the last month.... it's been a wierd one!

Friday, April 16, 2010


What are your go to, time wasting, non-blog websites that you MUST check daily?  Here are mine:

1. someone once told me.  My very first post was about this one.  Here's another photo of theirs I'm currently loving:

2. Found.  People find stuff, take pictures of it, and send it in to the website.  It's like seeing secret glimpses into the lives of strangers.  Here are two of my favorite recent finds.


3. Post Secret.  If you haven't seen this one, it's a definite must-read!  Updated every Sunday with more powerful secrets in visual form.  I can't get enough.  Here's my favorite from this week's collection:

What are your favorites?

Monday, April 12, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 7

Number Seven:  This Awesome 70's Colored Rainbow Plate, $1.99

This one called to me from across the housewares section at the ARC.

Monday, April 5, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 8

Number Eight: The Most Awesome Laundry Basket in the World: $2.99 (I think)

Come on, admit it. You've never even thought about a laundry basket being beautiful.  Until now. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

words of wisdom

If you love 90's hip-hop, you'll love this birthday card I made the other day.

Monday, March 29, 2010

lorissa's peru party

OK.  I know you are on the edge of your seat, just dying to see what will be next on my top ten list.  But we've got something more important to attend to today. 
My good friend Lorissa is going on a fabulous volunteer trip to Peru this summer, and has a blog to tell all about it.  Here's a picture of her getting into the spirit at Whole Foods!

She's also fundraising for her trip, and lucky me gets to be an "artist" at her fundraising party on April 16th.  A piece of my work will be auctioned off to raise money.  I'm so psyched!! 
Check out her blog here for more info, and to see all the embarrasingly kind things she said about me! 

Friday, March 26, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 9

Number Nine: This Funky Pot Thing, $3.99

I'm not usually into pottery, but I dig this piece. I think the design looks like grass growing up from the ground. Love it! BTW, check out my current fave blog, The Brick House, where you can always peek in on what its charming writer buys each weekend during her thrifting adventures. She always shows the dramatic/heartbreaking/hilarious sides of thrifting.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

top ten all time sweetest thrift store finds: 10

Thrifting used to be a HUGE part of my world.  I haven't been as much recently, but I still love all my quirky little finds.  So now you have to care about them too. 

Number 10:  Vintage Orange Bowls, 40 cents each

Yeah. I love orange.

Monday, March 22, 2010

it's all springy outside.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ikea update!

The other day, I received unconfirmed reports via text and email from my mom and best friend that Ikea will be in Colorado by Fall 2011.  They were all abuzz.  But it seemed to good to be true.  My sources stated that they had received the information from some newspaper called the "Denver Post", but what kind of source is a newspaper?  I mean, my favorite newspaper is The Onion, but I'd never consider it a reputable source.  Half the time I think they're just making that stuff up!
So I went to my source for all things Ikea,  Surely, people as serious as these would know the truth. 
And they confirmed it!
IKEA, Centennial, Colorado, Fall 2011.  They even showed me how to put in an Ikea employment application.  Now that's a source with inside information!
Soon, we'll all be buying these:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

i'm a little bit....

...conflicted about the topic of this post.  Here's why:  I have spent my share of miserable hours meticulously scraping horrible wallpaper off of a wall.  My garage contains a huge pile of scrapers, mysteriously powerful fluids and other tools from the last time I went through this ordeal.  But.
Check out these photos of wallpaper.  I don't think I can resist them!
Man, I love a graphic print.  On the left, stem wall paper by Orly Keily available at Anthropologie.  On the right, a variety of designs by Mod Green Pod.  Now these are pretty cool, but wait till you see these:

All available from Studio Nommo.  Are you drooling too?